How Do We Fall in Love?

Romantic Love, is the the threshold that happens when couples are dating and working at making each other happy and avoiding upsetting each other. They Fall in Love! How do couples maintain that threshold?

Fall In Love - Remain in Love

Love Busters: Protecting Your Marriage from Habits That Destroy Romantic Love

by Willard F Harley, Jr. – Book Review-Part 1

For many years I have been passionate about marriage and how couples can remain in love and one of the best books I have read on this topic is LOVE BUSTERS -protecting your marriage from HABITS that DESTROY ROMANTIC LOVE  by Willard F. Harley, Jr.

He says that  “just about everything that you and your spouse do affects the feeling of love you have for each other. What you do either builds your love for each other, or it destroys that love.” 

Fall in Love - Love Bank Concept

Dr. Harley created the concept of a Love Bank to help explain the rise and fall of romantic love – the feeling of passion toward each other that people should always have in their marriage.

Within all of us is a Love Bank that contains accounts in the names of all the people we know. It’s the way your emotions keep track of the way people treat us.

When someone does something that makes us feel good, love units are deposited into their account. However, when that person does something that makes us feel bad, love units are withdrawn.

Therefore, If someone consistently does things that make us feel good, that person builds a large Love Bank balance. If on the other hand he or she does things that make us feel bad and does very little to make us feel good, they end up with a negative Love Bank  balance.

Fall in Love - The Romantic Threshold

The Romantic Love Threshold happens when couples are dating and working at making each other happy and avoiding upsetting each other. So many love units are deposited they soon desire to marry.

So what happens to that love? 

This is the 1st post in a  review of Dr. Harley’s book, Love Busters, and would love for you to follow along and learn the secrets to continuing the Marriage journey with Romantic Love intact.

Purchase his book  Here

Further Reading on Love in Marriage:



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