Celebrating Pride encourages children to question their identity! PRIDE says: "Be Yourself" but that does not mean- be who you were created as. Confused children seek new identity!

Confused children seek new identity!  

Is PRIDE a good thing? 

Pride has different meanings, some are positive and some are negative.

As an illustration, we can work very hard to achieve a goal which gives us a sense of pride and confidence in our accomplishment. Therefore, this is an example of pride in a good sense.

For this reason, in this post I will evaluate whether or not we should celebrate PRIDE of the LGBTQ+ movement. Is this a good sense of pride? 

First of all, what does the PRIDE acronym stand for?
What does Pride mean? Let’s look at the history of the word PRIDE from the beginning.
The word ‘PRIDE’ was originally an acronym, just like LGBT, that stood for: Personal Rights In Defense and Education. This organization started in 1966 to fight for equal rights for LGBTQ+ people in California.

In the past, the acronym PRIDE had very different goals than it does today. The history of the LGBT  movement can be read here. Milestones in the American Gay Rights Movement.

After reading those milestones, you will probably agree, there were some grievances that needed to be addressed. Further, everyone should be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their differing beliefs. 

Treating people with respect and dignity does not require that we agree with them. We can disagree respectfully. 

PRIDE Goals Continue to Escalate  

At the present time and for quite a few years leading up to this point, the movement PRIDE (Personal Rights in Defense and Education) the beginning movement – is better known  as LGBTQQIP2SAA. It looks very, very different and the goals of the movement have escalated, more on that later.

The acronym stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit (2S), androgynous and asexual.

I want to point out that  there at least 73 other genders people can now ‘choose’ to identify as. A list of those genders with definitions can be found at the link HERE. This it what PRIDE encourages with their “Be Yourself” banner. The adults are leading a large group of young innocent children!


In today’s culture, one does not need to fit in with regards to their choices, including their gender identity.

  • Gender, according to the LGBTQ etc. is not regarded as a binary concept where one can either be a male or a female.

  • It has emerged as a continuum or spectrum where one can identify themselves as any of the gender identities.

The term gender identity means how a person identifies themselves concerning their gender. It may be regardless of their anatomy or genetics. Thus, a person may identify themselves as male, female, none, both, or some other category independent of their genitals.

The idea is to make everyone feel comfortable in their skin irrespective of what gender they were assigned at birth.

Confused Children seek New Identity - Confused by Social Media, Technology and Educational Institutions

Dr. Erwin Lutzer states this in his book, We will Not Be Silenced, In 2004, Pew Research polls began to see a dramatic change in the beliefs and values of Americans. Why the change?  According to Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, Apple’s iPhone was released in 2004 along with social media apps, Facebook and Twitter. Google bought YouTube and Amazon released their Kindle e-reader.  More that 1 billion people were now accessing the Internet. Thus, he says, technology facilitated cultural change more quickly than anyone could have imagined. 

What is happening in our culture, in our schools? How has the LGBTQQIP2SSA  organization been ‘influencing’  and Indoctrinating’ the children?

Confused children seek new identity after Indoctrination. That is a strong word; what does it mean? Is it accurate to use it in this context?

The Cambridge dictionary gives this definition:
    • the process of repeating an idea or belief to someone until they accept it without criticism or question:
    • religious/political/ideological indoctrination
The lasting effect of indoctrination should not be exaggerated.
Day after day, children are a captive audience in the classroom and they look up to and trust the adults who teach them. 
Are our children being sexualized and indoctrinated? You can judge for yourself.  Remember this part of the definition as you read this list,

“the process of repeating an idea or belief to someone until they accept it without criticism or question”

Also note that the definition covers political and ideological indoctrination which is what children in our culture are dealing with.

It’s important to realize that there are other types of indoctrination. For example: there is indoctrination in some religious faiths.  We must always be certain that what we are told lines up with the truth taught in God’s Word, the Bible.

Ideology that children are exposed to and indoctrinated with in educational environments causes Children to be confused and to seek new identity.

Generally speaking, many, if not all, of the following activities are happening in schools in Canada and the US. Parents need to be very aware of this.

  • Children, at the earliest age, in daycare, pre-school, kindergarten, in library drag story times are being shown pictures and read stories of families consisting of 2 moms, 2 dads, in order to normalize these unions and destroy any concept of the traditional family. Sample titles here.
  • One Book with inappropriate topic material and images for Kindergarten to grade 3, example: It’s Perfectly Normal. Sample pages here
  • There is the gender unicorn that teaches children that they can be one of many genders, on a spectrum of many genders  and depending on their gender, who they could be attracted to.
  • Children, as in the images of this post, are encouraged to “Be Yourself” but they are given such mixed and confusing messages that they do not even know who they are. The best outcome for all children is to embrace the body they were born with.
  • Transgender people’s identity is not the same as their ‘assigned’ sex at birth.
  • Link to a Sample of available books

Ideological Exposure of Children: Confusion Of Identities, Transitioning, Pronoun use and more!

  • Children need to be taught the terrible side effects of mutilating  one’s body by removing perfectly healthy body parts. As well, children need to understand the life-long adverse health outcomes and risks of transitioning. Some of these are loss of fertility, life-long medicating and confusion in medical care when disease strikes due to higher risk they have. Medical treatment is often different for males and females. Its important to know that a male body transitioned to female is still a male body with XY chromosomes. Likewise, a female body transitioned to male is still a female body with XX chromosomes.


  • Furthermore, children are not mature enough emotionally to make such huge decisions about life-long alterations to their bodies.


  • It would be wise and loving to teach children that many people who transitioned have later de-transitioned back to their biological sex. However, their bodies will never be the same especially if they had irreversible surgeries.


  • De-transitioners are people who are deeply regretful of the lies they believed; that transitioning would solve their mental confusion and they would become the opposite sex.
  • As a direct result of the confusion sown into the minds of children, there has been 4515% increase in girls seeking to transition to the opposite sex.


  • It’s important for children to know and to trust that their sex is not changeable. A very high percentage of gender dysphoric children resolve their confusion once they have gone through puberty.   


  • Further confusion for children is created when Teachers and classmates choose pronouns to match their chosen identity. The pronouns used are new words to the English language or used incorrectly in proper English use.
  • Lessons on sexuality and gender are being woven into traditional subjects.

Teaching Children About Sexual Pleasure and Encouraging Masturbation

  • 4 and 5 year old children are being taught that parts of their bodies feel good when touched, (masturbation) and that they should always masturbate in private. (BC children were given homework on this.)


  • By second grade, they learn that the same act can be performed with a partner. In brief, all forms of sex, as long as it is consensual, is normal and to be enjoyed. 


  • Boys are taught how to wear condoms and girls are taught how to put condoms on plastic replicas of male genitalia. 
  • They are given graphic images of various forms of characters experiencing sexual pleasure. 


  • Children are prisoners of this ideological teaching. They must sit through it and be insulted and intimidated if they happen to disagree. Some young people who have dared to try remove themselves from inappropriate lessons were refused.


  • Children are making up pride flags and put in their pride school march. Most, if not all, these children do not even realize what they are supporting.


  • School libraries have pornography books for students to borrow. The text is too inappropriate to read out loud at a school board meeting ( those to try to read the text are shut down) but this same text is deemed suitable for the young people it is targeted for.


  • The Pride Parade in Toronto in 2023 and 2024 had full nudity on display. Children are always there and though public nudity is unlawful, it gets overlooked – with no accountability. 


God Has A Lot to Say About Human Sexuality!

In summary, I know there are gay and lesbian identifying people who do not support all of the gender ideology being foisted on children and society.  However, the reality is, there are many sex activists who have a lot of power and influence who want your children to be sexually active from a very young age in deviant ways and they are pushing hard to get that to be a reality!  Your child’s school is one of their very important vehicles!

The above list is just a sample of what is happening in our culture. Now lets see what God’s word has to say about the human heart and what comes from it:

Mark 7:20-23 ESV 

And he said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.” (emphasis added)

I see a number of very unacceptable outcomes in this verse – but the focus of this post is on sexual sin.

  • Sexual immorality includes heterosexual and homosexual sex. All sexual activity that is outside of God’s plan- one man and one woman who are married.

Sex activists, Educational institutions, the UN and others are clearly promoting and teaching our children to accept and practice sexual sin. 

There is so much more to add here, however, for a very detailed post on the methods used to sexualize our children, using information from articles, curriculums,  videos, teachers and other Canadian resources, please visit this post,  One Million March4Children.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you are shocked by what our children are being subjected to, then, please use your voice, speak up, find out what your school is teaching, protect the vulnerable children!

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