Life by Creation or Chance? Both require faith but the complexity of life demands an intelligent designer!

The purpose of this post is help people examine and discover  the answer –  Life by creation or chance? By God’s intelligent design or by random changes that had no goal?  Also, its important to know how to give an answer for what you believe.  In other words, defend your faith.  The website Answers in Genesis states: “Apologetics is used to help people see that Christianity is not a blind faith but a faith that makes sense of what we see.

The human eye by creation or chance?

 Lindsay Nelligan, an optical manager, in her article “The Eye: A Marvel of Complexity with Over 2 Million Working Parts”  says:

Did you know that this little organ is one of the most complex things in your whole body? It’s true! With over 2 million working parts, the eye is like a tiny masterpiece of engineering. So, let’s dive in and uncover the fascinating complexity of our peepers.

In my search for detail on the complexity of the eye, a number of articles popped up to promote evolutionary development of the eye. Lyle McElhaney, a software engineer, responded to the question: “How Can Something As Sophisticated as the Human Eye Evolve?” His response was:

People often also don’t understand that evolution has no goal – its not trying to do any particular thing, like make a really usable eye. When in a random fashion it does something that improves the species ability to reproduce, that feature will, on average, be “rewarded” by spreading to other, future members of the group.

Think about this statement! People often also don’t understand that evolution has no goal, its not trying to do any particular thing, like make a really usable eye.” Let that sink in! A complex organ, such as the human eye came about due to random changes that had no goal or purpose. That statement defies logic. 

Darwin's Confession About The Mystery of Eye Evolution

In the article, Darwin’s Greatest Challenge Tackled: The Mystery Of Eye Evolution, we read:

Darwin himself confessed that it was “absurd” to propose that the human eye evolved through spontaneous mutation and natural selection. Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) have now tackled Darwin’s major challenge in an evolutionary study published this week in the journal Science. They have elucidated (clarified) the evolutionary origin of the human eye.

So how did EMBL researchers finally trace the evolution of the eye?

By Martin Gühmann – Own work, CC BY 4.0,

By studying a “living fossil,” Platynereis dumerilii, a marine worm that still resembles early ancestors that lived up to 600 million years ago. Arendt had seen pictures of this worm’s brain taken by researcher Adriaan Dorresteijn (University of Mainz, Germany). “When I saw these pictures, I noticed that the shape of the cells in the worm’s brain resembled the rods and cones in the human eye. I was immediately intrigued by the idea that both of these light-sensitive cells may have the same evolutionary origin.”

All things considered,  Arendt claimed she found concrete evidence for evolution based on these observations. She found an opsin, a light-sensitive molecule, in the worm that strikingly resembled the opsin in the vertebrate rods and cones. “When I saw this vertebrate-type molecule active in the cells of the Playtnereis brain – it was clear that these cells and the vertebrate rods and cones shared a molecular fingerprint. This was concrete evidence of common evolutionary origin. We had finally solved one of the big mysteries in human eye evolution.” 

However, the discovery of sophisticated eyes in a fossilized hagfish has dethroned the modern blind hagfish as the only observable so-called intermediate form in eye evolution which was thought to dethrone the compelling evidence for creation.

In an article by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell  “Discovery of Hagfish Eyes Debunks Claim About Eye Evolution” she says: 

What can a creature’s eyes tell us? How about where it ranks on the evolutionary scale? Until recently the hagfish was seen as a living example of an intermediate form in the stepwise evolution of eyes. Its blind eyes1 with sightless retinas lack image-forming essentials like a lens, iris, and melanin2 pigment3 as well as muscles for eye movement. The eyes can even be buried beneath its skin!4 The hagfish was therefore thought to have less evolved eyes than its creepy cousin the lamprey,5 which has a sophisticated camera-type eye. Together these jawless fish were thought to speak volumes about the evolutionary history of the vertebrate eye.

Now in light of new discoveries in the fossil record, evolutionists must abandon the hagfish as the last living candidate for an intermediate, evolutionary form of eyes. Why? Because careful study of fossilized hagfish reveals hagfish once had nicely developed eyes!

Evolutionists must regroup and imagine that hagfish and lampreys shared an even more ancient eyeless ancestor for which there is no living or fossil evidence at all. Thanks to the vision of ancient hagfish, what evolutionists once thought they could demonstrate using hagfish blindness has changed in the proverbial blink of an eye.

Life by Creation or Chance? God takes the credit for creating People.

The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made them both.  Proverbs 20:12

For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Romans 1:20

Additionally, there are many other verses you can read about the creation of humans, male and female and God’s plan for their future bodies too! For example the following verses:

Genesis 1:27;  Psalm 139: 13-16;  Jeremiah 1:5;  1 Corinthians 15:35-49  

Furthermore, its important to remember that the Bible says that those who refuse to recognize his obvious hand in what he’s made are without excuse:

From Creation to Current Day, Humans have used their intelligence to design and build things!

Humans have made many amazing discoveries and have contributed greatly to advancement of technology, health care, travel and many other ways. One commentator, Richard O. Colestock  in an article, How can humans invent so many amazing and highly complex things from scratch?” made these true statements: 

Interestingly, almost nothing is invented ‘from scratch’. Nearly every technological advance we see is based on earlier technology. As the old saying goes, “We stand on the shoulders of giants”.

If you are old enough, go back and look at the incremental development of computers. They did not just burst onto the scene fully developed but worked their way along from mechanical devices to vacuum tube monsters and, when the transistor was invented, to the more reliable and smaller versions. Then the circuit board became the integrated circuit and there were more advances in smallness and speed – and so on till what used to fill an entire room (with its own air conditioning) now fit in the palm of your hand. It was all incremental – small steps followed by more steps.

Exactly, small steps followed by more steps by intelligent humans. Humans have invented, created and designed many, many amazing things with their God-given understanding (intelligence) with the help of previous inventions! They were working towards specific goals!

This is completely opposite to the evolutionists claim that random changes have brought about complex organisms without any specific goal


Compelling Evidence for Creation. What is the Design Argument?

The following excerpt is taken from the article:, Design Arguments for God & “Irreducible Complexity” by Prof. Stuart Burgess,

The design argument says that design reveals a designer and the attributes of the designer. In the same way that the intricate design of an aircraft shows the skill and care of a human designer, so the intricate design of creation shows the skill and care of the divine Designer.

There are many verses in the Bible that contain the design argument. The most famous verse is

Romans 1:20 which says, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.”

This verse teaches that God’s handiwork in creation is clear for everyone to see and that no one has an excuse not to believe in a Creator.

Another example of the design argument can be found in Hebrews 3:4 where we read,

“For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God.”

In the same way that a house requires intricate design to make it suitable for humans to live in, so the earth requires intricate design to make it fit for human habitation.

Further, Isaiah 45:18 says that God deliberately designed the earth to be inhabited.

Life by Creation or Chance? God Created and Designed all of Life!

mountains, clouds, peak

Lord, how manifold are your works!
    In wisdom have you made them all;
    the earth is full of your creatures.
Here is the sea, great and wide,
    which teems with creatures innumerable,
    living things both small and great. 
— Psalm 104:24-25 (ESV)

Life By Creation or Chance? Ten Major Flaws of Evolution-Revised

The article Ten Major Flaws of Evolution – Revised by Randy Alcorn, Jim Darnal has a compelling paragraph under each of the statements (which are listed below), to uncover evidence for creation.  Click on the title of the article to read them. 

There is also a list of recommended reading  provided at the end of that article.

1. The complexity of living systems could never evolve by chance—they had to be designed and created

2. The high information content of DNA could only have come from intelligence. 

3. Mutations do not increase information, as required by evolution.

4. Natural Selection is conservative, not creative. 

5. There is a total lack of undisputed examples (fossilized or living) of the millions of transitional forms required for evolution to be true. 

6. Pictures of ape-to-human “missing links” are extremely subjective and based on evolutionists’ already-formed assumptions. Often they are simply contrived. 

7. The radioactive dating methods that evolutionists use to assign millions and billions of years to rocks are based on questionable assumptions and give unreliable results. 

8. “Leftover” body structures are not evidence for evolution.

9. Evolution is said to have begun by spontaneous generation—a concept ridiculed by biology.

10. The scientific method can only test existing data—it cannot draw conclusions about origins. 


Read more on the Compelling evidence for Creation: Creation, The beginning of Life 

In conclusion, I found the following paragraph and quote very interesting by  Sir Fred Hoyle, taken from the article The Origin of Life by Dr David Menton.  

Sir Fred Hoyle, the man who named the “Big Bang” theory, has recently concluded that the origin of life by chance is an absurd idea. In his book Evolution from Space, Hoyle insists that it is obvious that the complexity of life demands an intelligent designer, possibly even (heaven forbid!) God, according to Hoyle:

Once we see, however, that the probability of life originating at random is so utterly minuscule as to make it absurd, it becomes sensible to think that the favorable properties of physics on which life depends are in every respect deliberate. . . . It is therefore al- most inevitable that our own measure of intelligence must reflect . . . higher intelligences . . . even to the limit of God . . . such a theory is so obvious that one wonders why it is not widely accepted as being self-evident.

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Hebrews 11:3 NIV

Listen to this beautiful Song of worship to our all-wise God!

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