A Wife Is An "Ezer K'enegdo"
What Does That Mean?
In the book of Genesis, we read the Creation Story and the forming of the first human from the dust of the ground. God named him Adam from the Hebrew word adamah meaning “the ground” or “earth.” In all of creation we read that there was no suitable helper for Adam.
Genesis also tells us that God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
The NIV Life Application Bible footnote says: God made both man and woman in his image. Neither man nor woman is made more in the image of God than the other. From the beginning the Bible places both man and woman at the pinnacle of God’s creation. Neither sex is exalted, and neither is depreciated.
“The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18
The Hebrew word Ezer K’enegdo is used to describe Eve, Adam’s wife, whom God created from a rib taken from Adam’s body. Adam called her woman for she was taken out of man. (Verse 23.)
What does the word Ezer mean in English?
It is translated as helper, helpmate or help meet. The English word does not give us an accurate meaning, as in English, we think of a helper as one who might hand the tools to the boss as needed. However, the word Ezer has the meaning of one who comes along side to serve with, to rescue, to save, to be strong, and is even used to describe a warrior in the Old Testament.
The word Ezer is also sometimes used in referring to God as our helper. Since God is not subservient to humans, we should not understand the role of helper or help meet (‘Ezer’ ) to be a position of subservience. The concept of an “ideal partner” seems to convey the thought best.
Further meanings attached to Ezer connotates – assistance or aid, especially in times of suffering or distress.
When God created the first woman, Eve, He instilled in her the properties of Ezer. In the context of warrior, He created us to be a warrior for our husband and our children who can become worn down and discouraged by the demands of life. We can be a warrior by fighting spiritual battles with and on behalf of our husband and children.
What does K’enegdo mean in English?
The website, http://www.gotquestions.org describes the second part of the role given to Eve. The word K’enegdo literally means “according to the opposite of him.” In other words, the focus is on an appropriate match. Eve was not created above or below Adam, she was complementary. Adam was given a fitting companion who was “just right for him.”
Although males and females are equal in relationship to Christ, the Scriptures give specific roles to each in marriage. The husband is expected to be the spiritual leader in his home, leading his wife and family in a loving way that is not dictatorial, condescending or patronizing to the wife but in accordance with the example of Christ leading the church.