Christians and Politics- is it important for Christians to influence our laws? This post looks at biblical answers.
Category: Christian, Biblical Worldview
Life By Creation or Chance? Both Require Faith!

Life by creation or chance? Life by intelligent design or random chance? Both require faith but the complexity of life demands an intelligent designer!
Same-Sex Weddings- Unable To Join As One Flesh!

Same-Sex Weddings- Unable to Join As One Flesh! One man and One woman join together to become one flesh in the eyes of God; it’s a sacred covenant!
Fulfill Your Life’s Purpose- The Greatest Success!

Fulfill Your Life’s Purpose- The Greatest Success! Being successful and fulfilling your life’s purpose are not at all the same issue! Don’t miss the purpose God created you for!
Creation, The Beginning of Life

Creation, The Beginning of Life. This is the biblical account which is in harmony with Science. This post directs you to a site that I recommend.
All Worldviews Require Faith In Something!

All Worldviews Require Faith in something! Worldview is defined as what is unquestionably assumed to be true about ones self and the world around them.