perfect environment

How the Consequences Of Sin Affected Our World.

God created a beautiful, perfect environment for Adam & Eve! There was nothing that they could have wished for. What an amazing life they could have had! God gave them only one restriction and that was- you must not eat the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for when you eat of it you will surely die. Genesis 2:16,17  Disobedience would bring about the consequences of sin.

We don’t know how long Adam and Eve enjoyed the garden before they disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit. We do know that sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God’s command as we learn in Genesis, the first book in the Bible.

The Lord warned Adam (before Eve was created Genesis 1:16) that there would be consequences if he sinned against God by eating the fruit on the tree of knowledge of good and evil – and they were indeed terrible! Not just for them but for all of humanity since – including all of creation.

Adam and Eve leave the Garden of Eden
Adam & Eve must leave the beautiful garden

Immediately, the terrible consequences of sin affected everything! What deep regret they would have experienced over their life time! 

  • First, death entered the world and it is now a reality for all of humanity, all of creation. Genesis 2: 16, 17
  • The intimate relationship with God was broken and they hid from God in fear. Genesis 3:8
  • Adam and Eve became aware of being naked and felt afraid because they knew their relationship with God was broken. Their sin alienated them from God. Genesis 3:10
  • God questions their actions. Genesis 3:11
  • The blame game  and excuses begin:  As Adam responds to God, he accuses Eve and also God by saying “the woman you put here with me – she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it.” Genesis 3:12
  • Eve accuses the serpent for deceiving her. Genesis 3:13
  • They were sent out of the perfect garden of Eden and they had to deal with many struggles such as: Eve experienced increased pain in childbirth; power struggle in her relationship with her husband Adam;  Adam experienced weeds, thorns and thistles in working the ground; hard work became the new normal to produce food for their sustenance.
  • Adam and Eve became aware of good and evil and struggled with sin from then on as we also do.
  • Jealousy and violence entered the world. Cain killed his brother Abel.
  • The whole creation is groaning too as itNatural disasters continues its decay since sin entered into the world. We experience Romans 8:19-23 in these various ways:  around the world we hear of forest fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, hurricanes, and more. We are reminded  that the earth is sickened by the result of our sins.  The Bible declares that the world will get worse as we move closer to the end of times. Matthew 24: 3-14

All of these facts are very discouraging and could make one feel hopeless! I am sure they bring about many questions especially if this is the first time reading this Biblical account. 

Why are the consequences of sin necessary for humanity and creation?

Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr. explains the sin of Adam and Eve was not just about a single sin they each committed. 

It is humanity in Adam and Eve, particularly in Adam, falling into sin. It is giving ourselves over to sin. He goes on to explain the holiness, the righteousness and justice of God being infinite. 

For further detail and understanding, I recommend you listen to his short video.

There is GOOD NEWS!

Jesus is returning to make everything new!

God knew that they would sin and even before the world was created, the Bible tells us that the plan of redemption was already in place. Jesus would be born of a virgin – therefore without the inherited sin nature of Adam – and be sacrificed by crucifixion for the sins of the world. He was a perfect sacrifice, without sin. 

Jesus own words tell us that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus is Not one of many ways; He is THE Way. John 14:6

Why is Jesus the ONLY Way to be Saved?

God is loving and forgiving and He is also a God of Justice. Justice requires payment for sin and Jesus is the only one who could pay that penalty for us.

The problem we all have from birth is that we have a sinful human nature. We all have sinned. Romans 3:23   You don’t believe that? 

Sin becomes evident in a child at a very early age. If you have witnessed a toddler temper tantrum, you know what I mean. Our actions as humans are often evident in our tendency to: be selfish, be greedy,  lie, steal, be unjustly angry or immoral in conduct among other things!

If you have read the Old Testament books of the Bible, you will have frequently read about animal sacrifice which always required blood to be shed. The animals were required to be without blemish. These sacrifices provided only temporary forgiveness and needed to be repeated over and over.


We learn in the New Testament that Jesus, called the perfect Lamb of God, became the perfect and final sacrifice for sin.

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you have been redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world  but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through Him you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him, and so your faith and hope are in God. 1 Peter 1: 18-21

The blood of Jesus has power to forgive sin!

He offers forgiveness of sin to all who will receive His gift.  A gift made possible by the blood he shed for your sins and mine. Ephesians 1:7

Those who are forgiven have their names written in the Lambs Book of Life! Revelation 3:5

Jesus is the Only Way because we have all sinned and need a perfect sacrifice. Jesus fulfilled that purpose.

No religion, no prophet, priest or moral person has the ability to forgive sin! Mark 2:5-7  Jesus is our high priest, holy and blameless, unstained by sin. Hebrews 7:26-28

Prayer of Response

Father, our Holy God, we are so thankful for your plan of redemption! We look forward to the day when you will make all things new and sin will no longer be a reality we struggle with.

Thank you Jesus for your great sacrifice, for taking on the sin of each of us and making a way for us to be righteous in your sight. 

May we live our lives in a way that pleases you each and every day. When we sin, I pray we will quickly repent and ask for forgiveness and pray for your power to overcome our weaknesses.

We look to you and watch for your return Almighty God! In Jesus name, Amen

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