How To Build Your Life on a Firm Foundation

I’ve heard it said recently that “everyone will experience storms in life.” It’s true, and the bible confirms it with the statement “the rain falls on the just and unjust.” Matthew 5:45


There is no doubt the the storms of life and the passing of time will test your foundation!

AI describes what “Building Your life on a firm foundation” means: 

To establish your life based on strong, stable principles and values, like a house built on solid rock, so that you can withstand challenges and live a fulfilling life even when facing difficulties. This phrase is also often used metaphorically to emphasize the importance of having a reliable base for your decisions and actions, usually referring to personal integrity, strong morals or a deep faith.

That sounds like a great description to me.


In Matthew 7:24,25 we read these words:

Therefore everyone who hears theses words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who build  his house on a rock. The rains came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock.

In Matthew 7:26,27, we read about the outcome of the choice to build your life on sand which shifts.

“But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.

Jesus is my strong, solid rock, the one I have chosen to build my life’s foundation on. 

The importance of a foundation!

A building’s well-designed foundation bears the entire weight of the building. It ensures its stability so that it remains stable even when it is under the pressure of external forces. It also ensures that the building will remain secure for its life span.

A life built on a foundation of sand is:

  • Unstable, insecure,- based on external validation and/or identity by others
  • Unsettled, easily disrupted by challenges/changes in circumstances
  • Superficial, lacking deep meaningful roots that provide strength to weather difficulties
  • Focused on human success,  worldly, temporary goals and pleasures rather than eternal values
  • Less adaptable, less able to adjust to difficulties that require significant changes.
  • Fearful, tending to worry about many things.
  • Faith is lacking, God is not an important priority

A life built on a foundation of faith in Jesus is:

  • Strong, secure, solid, unshakable: trusts that life’s circumstances will not overwhelm; understanding and believing that God is sovereign in all things. 
  • Stable: Jesus’ promises give assurance of His continual presence,  guidance and love.
  • Hopeful: Not in the sense of ‘hoping’ for something, its in the knowledge that Jesus is returning to this earth one day to make all things right…and it may be soon.
  • Meaningful: Everything in life has purpose. Jesus uses even difficult circumstances to bring about good in the life of a believer.
  • Assured: Jesus promises that those who are born again will receive the Holy Spirit who indwells the believer and He will never forsake him/her.
  • Focused: Followers of Jesus have a very clear purpose in life. They are to be salt and light to everyone around them-showing by their lives the love of Jesus.
  • Faithful: With the help of the Holy Spirit, the Christ follower will be able to remain faithful to trust God even when they do not understand what He is doing in their lives or in the world around them.

How to Build Your Life on a Firm Foundation!

It starts with recognizing that you are not an accident!

You were known by God before you were born!

He loves you! He created you! He has good plans for you!

He gave us the Bible so that will know about Him and know Him. A great place to start reading it is the book of John…the book that comes after the book of Luke in the New Testament. This part of the Bible tells us the story of Jesus’ birth, His life, His teachings, His death and resurrection.

Importantly, He teaches us the way to live wisely on earth and how to inherit eternal life!


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