Religious in Appearance-But Is Your Heart Right With God?

Matthew 21:28-32 tells us the parable of The Two Sons. We find out which one had his heart right.


A Father told his older son: “son, go and work in my vineyard today.”

The son replies, ” No, I won’t go.”


The Father then says to his second son: “son, go and work in my vineyard today.”

This son replies, “Yes sir, I will”


Which son did the will of his Father?


If that is all we knew about the story, we would confidently say that the second son was the one who spoke respectfully and in obedience. After all, he immediately agreed to do as his Father asked him to do. 


Each son has a change of heart

 However, the rest of the story goes like this:

The older son repents (changes his mind) about his answer (no, I won’t go)  and subsequently chooses to go to the vineyard to work as his Father told him to. 


The second son who responded quite willingly, “Yes Sir, I will,” did not bother to go to the vineyard as he had declared he would.


It’s important to realize that:

  • The Father gave both sons an individual invitation to work in the family business.
  • The Father expected that his sons would be willing and interested in working in his vineyard.
  • The Father asked the sons to “work today,”

Many people are religious in appearance but their hearts are not right with God. What does that look like today?

  • Attend Church for appearance, status.
  • When God, our Father, calls them to a specific work they procrastinate, make excuses or just say no.
  • Know in their hearts that God’s Word is true, and intend to get serious about it someday.
  • Put up a good front externally of  following Christ but with hearts that have other priorities.
  • Talk about doing God’s work but never actually doing anything to serve Him.

Which son's heart was right?

The older son obviously because though he refused initially, he did reconsider and went to work for his Father as was asked of him.

This parable teaches us that what matters is this: 

Living for God, not just saying the right words without following them through.

Jesus made a bold statement in Matthew 21:31-32 that we need to pay attention to. It says that tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom ahead of these religious leaders.

Why would he say that?

This parable clearly shows that the religious leaders  were very good at talking religious talk. Also, they had stubbornly unrepentant hearts.

In contrast, the tax collectors and prostitutes -outcasts of Jewish society-believed John the Baptist and accepted “the way of righteousness” in spite of their initial disobedience to the Law. Their initial disobedience was likened to the older son who ultimately obeyed the will of his Father.

 Matthew 21: 31,32


In summary, Jesus used this parable to denounce the hypocrisy of the religious leaders who appeared to be devout but did not accept His teachings.

Prayer of Response

Father, Sovereign God, you are worthy of our worship and our obedience. 

I pray that like the older son, we will choose to give ourselves to your service willingly and joyfully knowing that Your ways are always  good! 



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