"Good Decisions are made step by step"

Seek God's guidance; He will direct your steps!

Seek God’s Guidance; He will Direct Your Steps! This is a great promise of God in the Bible. Proverbs 3:6

It’s important to realize the challenge we have is to acknowledge God, trust God, and follow God. 

Following God's Leading; Choosing His WayEven with this in mind though and having confidence in God’s leading, I am often indecisive…so many decisions we make every day!  Do you ever struggle to decide if you should, you shouldn’t, when, where, how? 

I struggle with that! I usually  take a lot of time to make up my mind about big decisions I make. Even with everyday life, I like my life to be fairly structured. I like to know when, where, time, what my day is going to look like. However, generally speaking, that is often not the way life works – so I have to be flexible, to make room  for God’s plans for my day.

Most importantly, I want to listen to and follow God’s direction for my days- for my weeks, for my months, for my years——– one step at a time.

I expect there has been many days that I have completely moved through my day without paying attention to God’s prompting in my heart to meet the need of someone around me.

Jonathan, son of King Saul takes step of faith and bold action.

Seek God's Guidance; He will Direct Your Steps!

Today, I was reading in 1 Samuel 14 about Jonathan, whose father was King Saul of Israel. The Israelite people were in a battle against the Philistines and they were greatly outnumbered and demoralized. Something had to be done and his father, the King, was not doing anything about it. He was just sitting under a pomegranate tree with his army of about six hundred men.

Jonathan, knew how God had worked mighty miracles for His people in the past. Further, he knew that God wanted to use someone and he made himself available. He took a step of faith and bold action. He wanted to see what God might do as he trusted Him. Notably, his action that day resulted in victory over the Philistines and his actions roused the Israelite army who came along side him. 

To learn more about following God’s leading and recognizing the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the article “How can I recognize the guidance of the Holy Spirit?” will be very helpful. 

Big Decisions in the Life of Our Church Family

Seek God's Guidance; He will Direct Your Steps!

At this time, after prayerful consideration and seeking God’s will and His guidance, our church family has made a big decision. Our Church began as a Church plant; becoming a part of a multi site church. We have just voted to become an independent body of believers. We believe that God is guiding our steps in this direction. We will still be connected with the larger church family and within our denomination. We are now ready to be independent and excited to see what God has in store for us as we move forward together, in His power, in service and outreach to our community.

This is a very big first step in a process that will take a lot of work and time in the next seven months. It is with great anticipation that we wait to see how God will work all things out in His time and for His purposes. In due time, as each of us continues to pray for and listens to God’s leading for our individual and collective participation of the next steps, I know we will find our faith flourishing.

One very meaningful verse in the Bible for me is this verse in Proverbs 3:5,6 NLT

Seek God's Guidance; He Will Direct Your Steps!
God Will Direct Your Steps!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    do not depend on your own understanding.

Seek his will in all you do,
    and he will show you which path to take.

When we know and trust that God has the very best outcomes for our lives, we can most assuredly seek God’s guidance and be confident that He will direct our steps to choose the path He shows us. 

Given these points, it would be wise to listen to the answer God gives. However, sometimes we make bad decisions and choose to go ahead with our own plans. This post, Rejecting God’s will – Choosing Our Own,  may be of interest to you.  

Prayer of Response:

Father, we are all broken people, born with the sin of Adam which was never your intention for our lives.

I am so thankful for your great love that seeks the best for our lives.

We thank you for your great patience in waiting for us to come to you with repentant hearts from the sin in our lives.

Praise to you Father, for the great forgiveness and healing  you offer to all those who choose to follow Jesus.

For the Holy Spirt who resides in the hearts of your followers to lead, guide and transform us, we praise you!

Forgive us for the many times we fail to be faithful. We often fail to follow your teaching for living which was given out of love and desire to protect us from harm.

Your Word, the Bible is a great gift to us to show us how to live and the way to inherit eternal life with you forever.

Help us to walk faithfully with you daily by the power of your Spirit as He speaks into our minds and hearts by the words of scripture and His still small voice.

We ask these things in the powerful name of Jesus, Amen 

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