Smashing Down The Walls Of Truth, Biology, Freedom

What do I mean by “Smashing Down The Walls of Truth, Biology, Freedom?”

Everyday, in various ways, we see and hear about walls breaking down in society around us. Walls that once were secure but are crumbling:  truth, justice, integrity, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, bodily autonomy and others.

We must not be silent, we must courageously begin to rebuild these broken down walls, beginning with prayer!

Wikipedia says: 

Possible causes of a societal collapse include natural catastrophe, war, pestilence, famine, economic collapse, population decline or overshoot, mass migration, incompetent leaders, and sabotage by rival civilizations.

These are all possible causes for societal collapse which is smashing down the walls of truth, biology, freedom but the most important reason is missing. It is spiritual poverty

God gives us His laws for our own good, they have a good purpose!. He created us to fellowship with Him and walk in righteousness. When we do that, we are living within the healthy boundaries He established and are protected from much of the heartache and catastrophe Satan devises. But, when a nation turns away from the true God and becomes its own god, the Lord removes His protective hand and allows that nation to experience the world it has demanded.

 Romans 1:18–32 shows us the progression of people and nations that have defied God and redefined morality. Homosexuality, unbridled lust, and idolatry are all part of God’s judgment on a nation that has turned away from Him.

Erwin W. Lutzer made this statement and it applies to our nation of Canada as well. 

The spiritual walls of the nation have nearly crumbled, leaving but a stony trace of a fortress that once upheld the nation’s founding ideals. As He did in Nehemiah’s day, the Lord might yet extend His mercy to rebuild those walls. But only to a repenting, praying and testifying people. 

Recently on Facebook, I saw a post asking for everyone to stop for a minute and pray for their nation. Most people would agree that our nation needs prayer. YES, I agree whole heartily!

Prayer for our nation and the change of direction away from the “smashing down the walls of truth, biology, freedom” sounds good doesn’t it?

It is true, we can send up quick prayers anytime, anywhere. For example, whenever we see a need around us, when we need help to resist temptation or in an immediate crisis.

However, we need regular times of prayer that are set apart to pray intentionally and very specifically over deep needs.

There are many promises in the Bible and they are all there for us but note that we have a part to play in receiving answers to prayer.

The specific verse that gives us a prescription for healing of our land is this:


Nehemiah began with prayer when praying over the broken walls of Jerusalem.

  • For days he mourned, fasted and prayed.
  • He worshiped God 
  • Asked God to listen
  • He confessed his sin, the sin of his family and the sin of his nation.
  • He reminds God of His promises in Nehemiah 1:8-11

 Erwin W Lutzer points out to us that we  face similarly desperate times, yet the church has largely quit the practice of consistent, deep, pleading corporate prayer.  He asks a very important question:

“How desperate must the situation become before you begin a ministry of prayer in your church?”

In his article, “Our Spiritual Walls Must Be Rebuilt GOD WILL DO HIS WORK, WILL WE DO OURS?he outlines further steps that Nehemiah took in the project and how these relate to our lives today. (I encourage you to read this article in the link above.)

  • He invited other people to join him  Nehemiah 2:17
  • He invited the spiritual leaders to join him  Nehemiah 3:1
  • He invited whole families to participate.
  • Nehemiah did not let opposition distract him.
  • Nehemiah resolved injustice and conflicts.

In closing, I repeat the question Lutzer asks:

God will do his work, will we do ours?

Jesus Christ alone is the answer to all of the difficulties we face in life. He calls each of us to a personal relationship with Him by being born spiritually. John 3:3-21

When Jesus Christ becomes our Savior and Lord, He calls us to share the way of salvation with others. Mark 16:15 


Prayer of Response

Our Faithful Heavenly Father, we thank you for Jesus who gave up His life to redeem ours. Father, we acknowledge our failure to follow you closely,  to be obedient to your word, our struggle every day to put you first, to teach our children your ways, to share the good news about salvation, to pray fervently for our Country to be healed. You  alone provide salvation, peace, justice, healing, truth and meaning to this broken world. 

God, we need the power of your Holy Spirit within us to be transformed and to live like Christ.

Father, we pray that you will revive our hearts, hearts that are soft and minds that are ready to receive your truth. Help us to impact our culture through prayer through transformed lives and action as you call us to.

We pray in Jesus’ strong and holy name,


The song I chose calls the Church to arise. The church is not any religious group, it is comprised of all people who belong to the family of God through a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the only way God has provided for eternal life.

John 14: 1-6  Ephesians 2:8-9

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