There is a Great Crisis of Fatherlessness. Fathers, Your children need you! You are unique and irreplaceable!

What are the lone parents statistics in Canada?

This is the great crisis of fatherlessness! One-fifth of all kids in Canada today are being raised by single parents. Although the vast majority of those parents are women, the rise in single fathers over the last two decades has brought that number down from 86 per cent in 1976 to 80 per cent today. Mar 21, 2024

What are the statistics of single-parent households in (US)?

The following article title in the Globe and Mail in March 2024 says :

 Single parents struggle as Canada’s policies stay stuck in the age of nuclear families. 

More children than ever are being raised by single parents, but measures that could help them – from child care to cost-of-living relief – are falling short. How can governments escape the shadow of 20th-century family values?

Two things stand out in this title and short excerpt, a question and a statement:

        • A scornful question of traditional values. “How can governments escape the shadow of 20th century family values?”
        • He states that “Canada’s policies are stuck in the age of nuclear families.”

Nuclear Family: In its most common usage, the term nuclear family refers to a household consisting of a father, a mother, and their children, all in one household dwelling.

Further reading on the family unit: God’s Design For Family  


One of the greatest social problems in Canada

The Canadian Children’s Right’s Council has an article on Fatherlessness in CanadaIt indicates that it is one of the greatest social problems in Canada.

Several statements in this article unveil some uncommon knowledge:

  • fathers commit a tiny minority of child abuse and about half the domestic violence.

  • The vast majority of child physical and sexual abuse is committed in single-parent homes, home usually where the father is not present. “Contrary to public perception, research shows that the most likely physical abuser of a young child will be that child’s mother, not a male in the household.” [Patrick Fagan and Dorothy Hanks, The Child Abuse Crisis: The Disintegration of Marriage, Family, and the American Community (Washington, DC: Heritage Foundation “Backgrounder,” 3 June 1997), p. 16.]

  • The father is the parent most likely to be the protector of children. “The presence of the father . . . placed the child at lesser risk for child sexual abuse,” according to David L. Rowland, Laurie S. Zabin, and Mark Emerson, in a study of low-income families. “The protective effect from the father’s presence in most households was sufficiently strong to offset the risk incurred by the few paternal perpetrators.” [“Household Risk and Child Sexual Abuse in a Low Income, Urban Sample of Women,” Adolescent and Family Health, vol. 1, no. 1 (Winter 2000), pp. 29-39.]

  • A British study found children are up to 33 times more likely to be abused when a live-in boyfriend or stepfather is present than in an intact family. [Robert Whelan, Broken Homes and Battered Children: A Study of the Relationship between Child Abuse and Family Type (London: Family Education Trust, 1993), p. 29.]

The Results of Father Deprivation

Father-deprivation is a more reliable predictor of criminal activity than race, environment or poverty.

Father-deprived children are:

  1. 72% of all teenage murderers.

  2. 60% of rapists.

  3. 70% of kids incarcerated.

  4. twice as likely to quit school.

  5. 11 times more likely to be violent.

  6. 3 of 4 teen suicides.

  7. 80% of the adolescents in psychiatric hospitals.

  8. 90% of runaways

Sources: National Fatherhood Initiative (U.S.A.), US Bureau of Census (U.S.A.), FBI (U.S.A.)

“Father-deprivation is a serious form of child abuse that is institutionalized and entrenched within our legal system. Powerful sexist people have a vested interest in diminishing the role of men, especially their role as fathers. Research proves that children thrive with the active and meaningful participation of both biological parents, and is true for post-divorce families.” (Dick Feeman, Joseph Maiello, Mike Jebbet, “Child Custody or Child Abuse”, Victoria Times-Colonist, Jan 8, 1998).

The  questions we need to be asking are:

        • Why are single parent households continuing to increase? 
        • Why are the vast majority of single parent homes headed by mothers?
        • What can we do to support, educate, teach and model the most secure home for children- which is the home of the nuclear family? 

God’s Design For Family: Fathers and Mothers

The nuclear family was designed with a father and mother in the beginning; it was not man’s idea; it was God’s idea. He designed it this way for very good reasons. He knew that children thrive best with the nurture of both a father and a mother who each contribute very unique benefits to their children. This article focuses on the different roles: Dad’s Parent Differently Than Moms  The following is a short excerpt from the article:


Dads Parent Differently Than Moms: Sensitivity Balanced with Problem Solving

While all moms and dads are different, there is plenty of evidence to show that moms tend to bring more sensitivity and emotion to parenting than dads and fathers tend to encourage more problem solving and risk taking than moms.  Recognize that both are essential to the healthy growth and development of your children. Too much of any one good thing can create problems.  Being tuned into a child’s emotional life is important but it can be stifling if there is too much effort to protect the child from every bump and bruise that life has to offer.  On the other hand, while learning to take appropriate and necessary risks is important, taking risks that are potentially dangerous may lead to unintended accidents or set children up for needing to feel the rush of a risk accomplished, on a consistent basis.

There is a great crisis of fatherlessness- Alistair Begg

Here are the reasons for making such a statement?

From his sermon “Where Have All the Fathers Gone?” Alistair Begg  outlines some very disturbing causes of the “crisis”.

        • Some single women are choosing artificial insemination
        • Many fatherless babies are born to mothers.
        • Moral, ethical and obligations of biological fatherhood as have been understood in our culture are gone.
        • Two mom homes, the same-sex couple.
        • We live in a world of rights and no responsibilities, a world of privilege with no obligations, a world where I am the champion of my own destiny, make my own rules, do my own thing, live by my own standards without any divine obligation.
        • New social policy that turns away from the ideal of an intact family toward what we used to call a …broken [family]

Social Implications of fatherlessness

In case you doubt that fatherlessness has social implications, Begg provides some very disturbing facts. These are from US stats but Canada is most likely very similar. He states that:

        • Do you realize that although America is the richest industrialized nation in the face of God’s earth, that we have a poverty rate which is twice that of any other industrialized nation?
        • Do you know that we are the world leader in child poverty and youth homicide? There are more kids killed by other kids in America than in any place in the whole of God’s creation.
        • Sixty percent of America’s rapists, 72 percent of adolescent murderers, 70 percent of long-term prison inmates grew up in a home without a father. 
        • Tonight, four children in ten go to bed in a household where their biological father is absent, and one in every two children will spend at least some time before the age of eighteen living with only one of their biological parents.

Those are the facts.

I just have to re-state the following statement in case you missed this dreadful statistic:

Sixty percent of America’s rapists, 72 percent of adolescent murderers, 70 percent of long-term prison inmates grew up in a home without a father.

FATHERS- Your children need you! 

There will be little change, little improvement in this culture until fathers are recognized as being unique and irreplaceable. Alistair Begg

Fathers, you have a great responsibility and great privilege  to love and lead your families – what does that look like?

 I found a great website, that is focused on teaching and encouraging dads how to live as a more confident, godly dad who leads his family without regrets.

 I have summarized a few thoughts from an article on this site called SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP AND FATHERHOOD which are listed below. 

Commit to serving the Lord in your household. Be the Spiritual leader. Joshua 24:15

Partner with your wife faithfully and lovingly. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Be a Godly example in your marriage, in your home, in your work, in your social life. James 1:19 1 Timothy 4:12

Guide your children toward a relationship with Christ through biblical practices such as bible study, prayer, church attendance. Let them see Christ by how you live. Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Practice humility, when you are wrong, admit it, make it right. Luke 14:11

These statements are just a few thoughts from one article. I strongly encourage you to check into this great resource. 

The article will expand on these statements.


I pray that men will begin to be recognized once again as being unique and irreplaceable!


Prayer of Response

Heavenly Father, Thank you for your perfect design of family. In the beginning, You made a perfect home for humanity but sadly,  we have it very messed up. Those who disregard your design in creation, of male and female, many are distrustful and disrespectful of men.

Many women have been affected by ideology that seeks to usurp the role that you gave to husbands and fathers.  Men often struggle to know how to love and lead their families. Sadly, a large number do not bother at all to care about the children they create with casual relationships.

Father, we see the devastation of a very large number of broken lives, fatherless children, many of them young men, as we see the stats of crime committed by these fatherless boys.

God, it is only by our repentance and by your mercy, your grace that we can reverse the direction of our culture. We want to see your design for family restored!

We humbly ask for your Holy Spirit to do a work in our lives, to open our eyes, our ears, our minds to live out your perfect way of living which can only be accomplished by the Holy Spirit’s free control in our lives. Help us to abandon sin and seek You with all our hearts.

We earnestly pray this all in the name of Jesus, our Lord and only Saviour. AMEN

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