Trans Man is Pregnant

Trans man has baby: biology or miracle? Biology matters! Can Men get pregnant? No, Men can not get pregnant! Only biological women can get pregnant. One very obvious reason is that women have a Uterus, also called a womb – men do not.

Women can change their appearance, they can look like, sound like and pass as a man with hormone treatment and different apparel. However, it must be realized that a trans-man is still a biological woman with XX chromosomes and always will be regardless of appearance.

We all know biological women who for reasons of health challenges have had to have double mastectomies. Many biological women have had to have full hysterectomies- the surgical removal of the uterus and cervix and often the ovaries, fallopian tubes and other surrounding structures. 

Are these biological women whose  female body parts were removed  still biological women?

People using common sense would agree – 100% YES! 

To put this another way, does a biological woman who chooses ‘top surgery’ (double mastectomy) to remove perfectly healthy breasts become a man? Further, does a biological woman who chooses to remove perfectly healthy reproductive organs become a man?

Common sense again would state – No, she is still a female who has removed perfectly healthy body parts.

Trans men take testosterone to deepen their voice and grow facial and body hair so as to present as a man but the biology of their body is still female with XX chromosomes even if the breasts and reproductive organs are removed.

Males and Females have partially different genomes

Trans man has baby: biology or miracle?

This article from NIH, National Library of Medicine details some significant differences between the male and female genome that are important to know. One important difference in particular is how each sex is treated medically.

  • The  carries genes that are involved in basic cellular functions and that are expressed in many different tissues.
  • In females, the majority of genes on one of the two X chromosomes are silenced in every cell. This inactivation makes each female a functional mosaic because some cells express one  and others cells express the other one. The advantages of heterozygosity can be amplified by selection against cells in which the active X chromosome carries a detrimental allele.
  • Some genes on the inactive  are not silenced, leading to higher levels of their products in female cells.
  •  cells must have cellular machinery to establish and maintain the inactivation of the .
  •  and female germ cells differentially imprint the genetic information to be transmitted to their progeny.

These findings argue that there are multiple, ubiquitous differences in the basic cellular biochemistry of males and females that can affect an individual’s health. Many of these differences do not necessarily arise as a result of differences in the hormonal environment of the male and female but are a direct result of the genetic differences between the two sexes.

Logan Brown's Story: Trans man has baby: biology or miracle?

The story of Logan Brown, a trans identifying man, who became pregnant, was published in a number of different magazines, news stories in 2023. 

Logan says, “I am a transgender pregnant man and I do exist, so no matter what anybody say, I am literally living proof”

Logan is presenting as a transgender MAN but truthfully, and in reality, Logan is a biological WOMAN.

Since the beginning of time, everyone knows that males provide the sperm, females provide the egg. Logan’s partner is biologically male and Logan is biologically female with reproductive organs intact and obviously operating. Logan stated that s(he) likely conceived due to the fact that s(he) had discontinued  taking testosterone due to some health issues. 

Logan also stated I spent so much time feeling shame and being hard on myself until I thought, ‘You can enjoy this process or make it really difficult for yourself’. I’m a pregnant man, and we’re very lucky, and I’m proud to do what we’re doing,” Brown told Glamour.

Glamour’s European Editorial Director, Deborah Joseph, said when her team first met Brown and “heard his incredible story, we were blown away by his strength and courage”.

“We knew he would be the perfect cover star for our June Pride issue, as a shining example of empowerment, inclusivity and equality,” she said.


Trans Man Has Baby: Biology or Miracle?

There really is no big story here. A child was conceived in the same way babies have been conceived since the beginning of time.

Certainly it did take courage for Logan to process this ‘problem’ and give life to the child s(he) and her partner had conceived. 

It would be embarrassing to be presenting as a man and become pregnant, I can certainly understand that as men don’t get pregnant, they impregnate. 

Logan gave birth to a baby girl and he made this statement:

“Now, I get to bring a child up to know that she can be authentically herself and love whoever she wants; that’s really powerful for me.”

I also sincerely hope this child will grow up to be authentically herself, by embracing the body she was born with. That would be truly authentic!

Logan Writes Story Book To Teach Children That Dads Can Have Babies

Logan Brown, Activist and blogger birthed her (his?) daughter into the world in 2023. Finding that there was a lack of information about transgender Dads giving birth s(he) decided to tell the world the story her (his?) story.

The children’s book that Logan wrote it titled: In My Daddy’s Belly: The Story of a Transgender Dad.”

Its important to realize that the intention here is to normalize the idea that men can have babies and to teach children from a very young age that biology does not matter. Teaching children that Dads (men) can birth children is deception! 

Genesis 1:27 says “So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female He created them. 

Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance. W. Clement Stone

With this quote in mind, you may like to read the article: Gender Designed

Psalm 139:13

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

God loves you! He has a plan for every life He creates.  Don’t miss out on His good plans for your life. He does not make mistakes.

If you want to know more about finding out how you can have a relationship with your Creator and find the authentic life He desires for you, check out this article: “Have You Heard The Good News of Salvation?”

One thought on “Trans Man Has Baby: Biology or Miracle?

  1. LGBTQ+ student self-identification has doubled at Brown since 2010, according to Herald polling data
    Current number of students that do not identify as straight stands at five times national rate
    Starting in Spring 2022, The Herald offered a greater number of options for sexual orientation and allowed respondents to select multiple options to better represent the diversity of Brown’s LGBTQ+ community. Data is represented as percent of responses, not as percent of respondents.
    The brainwashing of our under 30’s is going on unabated. This is all a con job and so anti-God and anti-family. The Logan in your article will not be able to have anymore babies since the drugs she is taking (testosterone) will make her infertile.

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