The sex of a child is determined at conception. Some mistakenly say that the sex of a child is “assigned at birth”.

A Biblical View of Sexuality & Gender

What makes a person biologically male or female?

Human Sexuality: The Search for Truth about sex

Culture Shock – A Biblical Response to Today’s Most Divisive Issues.  Chip Ingram

Gender, Sexuality and Identity

 by Answers in Genesis Transgender, agender, nonbinary—a whole new vocabulary has arisen to describe feelings about gender identity. How should Christians respond …

A Christian Response to Homosexuality.

Dr. Christopher Yuan

Talking To Your Children About Sexuality

Dr. Sean McDowell


Q: Why did God choose to make men and women?

A: God didn’t have to make two different kinds of human beings. He didn’t have to make us so that men and women, on average, come in different shapes and sizes and grow hair in different places and often think and feel in different ways. God could have propagated the human race in some other way besides the differentiated pair of male and female. He could have made Adam sufficient without an Eve. Or he could have made Eve without an Adam. But God decided to make not one man or one woman, or a group of men or a group of women; he made a man and a woman. The one feature of human existence that shapes life as much or more than any other—our biological sex—was God’s choice. Read More…

Q: If the Bible says so little about homosexuality, why do Christians insist on talking about it so much?

A: The reason the Bible says comparatively little about homosexuality is because it was a comparatively uncontroversial sin among ancient Jews and Christians. There is no evidence that ancient Judaism or early Christianity tolerated any expression of homosexual activity. The Bible says a lot about idolatry, religious hypocrisy, economic injustice, and pagan worship because these were common sins for God’s people in both testaments. Read More…

When we want to explore what God’s Word teaches about men and women, we usually dive straight into the New Testament. We often begin with Paul’s teaching on how men and women relate in family life and church life. Or we might look at the early Church and consider how men and women worked in ministry partnerships as the church grew. Or we might even look at the life of Jesus and see how he treated men (loving and training the disciples) and women (with extraordinary value and dignity).

But is there more? Is it in the Old Testament too? To answer this question, we have to go right back to the beginning. We’ll see that Genesis reveals a pattern of equality and order that Jesus and Paul constantly referred to when they taught about men and women.

In Genesis 1:26-28 we see the creation of humanity, and a perfect picture of equality. God made male and female. God made them as image bearers to achieve His purpose. God bestowed upon women (and men) an inherent dignity, value and worth—simply as humans. Being equal as an image bearer is the foundation of the Christian’s war against the inequality of women;  Read More…


Joy Arundell, student worker, pastor’s wife, and mum, reflects on what Genesis has to tell us about about the equality and order built into our sexual natures.

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